Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog #4|CX2830100190&docType=GALEand 

          The link in this blog stated above revels some how a Nao Robot works. In this video, Nao robot is able to perform dance move and the special thing about this video is that, these moves are performed in group where they performed all the moves at the same time. It was very fascinating to see that robots can do the same things as humans and how technology has have taken over in the past few years. After seeing these improvements in Robots we still can totally rely on them completely, because they're not great in completing task. Like if we look at this video we can clearly see that the Robots only performed the moves that they were programmed to do. Robots didn't perform any random moves or anything special unlike humans, that can perform random moves depending on the situation. This video reveals some capabilities and it came from a trustworthy site.
          According to Bowdoin (2002), Artificial intelligence is "a machine that can think about data and act upon them as a human" (Bowdoin, 2002, p. 153). This means that if a machine can perform same tasks as humans and can do the same stuff is considered artificially intelligent. going back to our Nao Robots we can now say that even though they can perform moves like humans, they can not do it as good as humans. If we look at the video we can say that these moves were    performed slowly and these Robots need time to process the instructions given to it.
          But if we talk about numerical computation, storage, retrieval, and sorting of large quantities of information we can say that these activities are performed faster by computers than humans.
With all these things we can say that Nao Robots can not interact with humans completely and this is going to stay an obstacle in between humans and Robots in the near future.
Now we can compare the video and the written technical description of this Robot. video about this product only talks about the final product and what and how it operates/perform. But in written description it tells us the software behind this product and more specs. Therefore, the written description is more helpful in the sense it provides a detailed description of everything in regard of the robot.

Intelligence, Artificial. (2002). In A. B. Van Riper, Science in Popular Culture (pp. [153]-155).Westport,              CT: Greenwood Press. Retrieved from    edu:2048/ps/  id=GALE%7CCX2888500053&v=2.1&u=cuny_laguardia&it=r&p=G   VRL.Science&sw=w

Artificial intelligence. (2008). In K. L. Lerner & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), The Gale Encyclopedia of   Science    (4th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 326-330). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from       v=2.1&u=cuny_laguardia&it=r&p=GVRL.Science&sw=w

Tempusmater (2012, April 8). NAO Robot Developer Days - Craig Schulman. Retrieved April      28,2013, from

Monday, April 15, 2013

The traffic system around college campus is not safe for the pedestrians.  A lot of accidents have happened in the past, and everyday people face some type of traffic problems. With this increasing number of traffic accidents, a further step is taken improve the traffic situation near the campus.  People use sidewalks while they’re on their phones and drivers run red lights frequently. As this problem is serious, $100,000 is allocated to spend to improve conditions around the campus. The problem can be solved if we change the traffic system around the campus such as putting more cameras on the signal, redesign the traffic lights, enforce speed limit and build pedestrian walkways. With the help of these solutions and changes this campus would be a safer and more pleasant place to study.
 In this blog I am writing about the traffic situation because this is the problem that bothers many students and pedestrians. The situation that I came up with was to change the traffic system and put more automatic cameras with latest technology because I have seen a lot of cars running the red light causing danger for other pedestrians. The was inspired to write about it because I have personally faced these problems many times. The research I did on this topic was on the new technology such as speed cameras and new signals. It was also based on my observation around LaGuardia campus. Revising my draft and editing the memo definitely helped me a lot where I got rid of unnecessary stuff and repetitive words. The thing that I learn about technical writing through the memo is that you have to be really specific in what your writing about and to see who you’re writing too (audience).